The term “services not included in the minimum access package to railway infrastructure” means, in addition to the so-called basic services (services supplied in one of the service facilities listed in point 2 of Annex II to Directive 2012/34/EU and Article 13(2) of Legislative Decree No 112 of 15 July 2015) both additional and ancillary services referred to in Article 13 (9) and (11) of Legislative Decree No 112 of 15 July 2015. The following activities are therefore included as complementary services: provision of traction current, pre-heating of passenger trains and train water supply, control of movements of trains carrying dangerous goods, assistance in the operation of special trains and shunting services. This is in addition to the following ancillary services: access to the telecommunications network, provision of additional information, technical inspection of rolling stock, ticketing services at passenger stations, heavy maintenance services provided in maintenance centres for high-speed trains or other types of rolling stock requiring specialised centres.